Welcome to my blog...

Hello... And thanks for stopping by/stumbling upon my blog. Do read on. It's just the thoughts and opinions of a regular bloke going about a fairly normal life. Hope you find something that is thought provoking and perhaps even inspiring....

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Bucket List Marathon

I've never really had a "bucket list". At least not until recently that is. Then having done a half marathon last year, I decided that to do a marathon before I was 40 (Feb 2014) was the next challenge.

I'm pleased to say that I achieved that back in May and was delighted with my accomplishment (4hrs 9mins).

But I have to say that I felt particularly flat after the event. I guess it's one of those things that you have focused on for so long and then once its over there's not that same focus.

It got me thinking about "aspirations" and "ambitions" that people have in general. We often look for satisfaction and fulfilment in our next achievement. For some that might be the next promotion or an achievement in family life, a sporting accomplishment or many other things.

But do these things really satisfy?

In the Bible, Jesus spoke to many people who had tried many things to satisfy them, but found that they were left empty. On one occasion, in John ch 4, Jesus spoke to a women at a well in Samaria, who had, had 5 husbands and now a live-in lover and yet, was still unhappy and unfulfilled.

She had come to the well for a drink, but on that occasion, Jesus offered her living water as he said, "whoever drinks of the water that I will give will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Jesus offers us something that truly and fully satisfies - eternal life!!

This is something that we can't have on our own strength, because each of us have flaws in our life (which the Bible describes as sin).

Yet, we are promised from God that if we confess our sins and believe in what Jesus has done for us when he died on the cross at Calvary, we can have this eternal life.

So, what's on your bucket list? Make sure you give God some thought and consider why Jesus came into the world and died. It was for you, that you might have eternal life in heaven with Him.

Thanks for reading!! God Bless!


Sunday, 17 March 2013


So, I was asked by a twitter friend to post John 3:16 as my status on twitter and Facebook today (18/3/2013). In fact it is part of a bigger Facebook initiative that is raising awareness of this great verse in the Bible.

And, so I agreed to it and hence my status will have that verse on it for today. But why did I do it? Why bother?

Quite simply, because I happen to believe that it will make a difference. I don't know everyone that reads my blog. I don't know your background, race, religion or status. It matters not.

This is a universal, all inclusive statement. It is a statement that does not focus on one religion or another, but simply states the love of God in action.

I wonder have you heard this verse from the Bible before. Here it is:

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever, believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life".


I remember a little song that we used to sing about this verse. It went something like this;

"25 words in John 3:16,

No greater verse has ever been seen,

12 about God and 12 about me,

Son in the centre, Verse 16, John 3"

I recommend it to you as a great verse to commit to memory and to come to know the truth of - John 3:16, Here's a little vlog about this verse, that tells of an experience I had recently when quoting this verse;


Thursday, 7 February 2013

Light is on The Way

Well, the days are getting longer again here in Scotland. I'm very much looking forward to being able to go to and from work in the daylight shortly.

Today it was almost light and what a difference it makes. Somehow you feel happier and healthier when the lighter nights come along and there's nothing better than hearing the birds beginning to sing.

There is that sort of feeling that we've survived another winter and that tends to spur us on to new and exciting things.


So what is the value of light? - well according to the Bible, people love darkness better than light. The light certainly shows up all the faults and none of us like to be shown up - let's face it!

But light also helps us to see clearer. Jesus described himself as the "light of the world" and states that those who follow Him shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.

He points us to the way to God - in fact He is The Way. What Jesus did in paying the price for our wrong on the cross at Calvary was sufficient to open up a way to Heaven and back to God, if we simply rest on the finished work of Christ who conquered the power of death and sin.

So, as the lighter nights come in - check out the Bible and what it says about you and about Jesus and get in contact if you have any questions...

Thanks for reading !!