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Hello... And thanks for stopping by/stumbling upon my blog. Do read on. It's just the thoughts and opinions of a regular bloke going about a fairly normal life. Hope you find something that is thought provoking and perhaps even inspiring....

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Olympic Inspiration...

So, my last blog focused a wee bit on the subject of running, not least cos I'm doing the Stranraer half marathon on 2nd June (plugs just giving page - www.justgiving.com/philcordiner). But in that blog I also mentioned Eric Liddell. The man who became known as the "Flying Scot" who refused to run on a Sunday.

My daughter, then came home from school saying she had to do a project on an inspiring British athlete - who better then than Eric Liddell. Hence, my blog his week will be a wee lesson on the life of Eric Liddell.

Born to Scottish parents, he was the first of his country to win Gold during the 1924 Paris Olympics. Although China also regard him as the first to ever win a gold medal for China as he was indeed born there.

As a committed Christian Eric Liddell refused to race on Sunday and was forced to withdraw from the 100 metres, which was considered his best race. Instead, Liddell raced in the 400 metres. As Liddell went to the starting blocks for the race, an American slipped a piece of paper in his hand with a quotation from 1 Samuel 2:30, "Those who honour me I will honour." Liddell ran with that piece of paper in his hand and not only won the race but broke the existing world record with a time of 47.6 seconds.

After the Olympics, Liddell decided to return to China to work as a missionary. Liddell worked as a teacher at a school for Chinese boys at which he taught chemistry and organised sports. He married in 1934 and in 1936 China prepared for war as Communist and Nationalist tensions increased. Liddell was asked by the London Missionary Society to give up his work in Tientsin, and work as a village evangelist in Siao Chang. This was a dangerous area. Liddell could not take his wife and two daughters with him and he was forced to leave them behind when he went to work there. He was able to visit on occasion, but it was a long journey, so visits were not often.

It was tough working in these villages because of the war - On one day, the Communists would pillage and destroy a village and then leave. Later, on another day, the Nationalists would come and do the same thing. His job in the area was evangelism and to encourage the Christians already there. The work was dangerous. Travelling in the countryside with Communist and Nationalist forces equally hostile to missionary work put Liddell in harm’s way on a regular basis.

The Japanese invaded China and in 1940 Liddell told his wife to take their children to Canada where she could live with her parents. He stayed behind in Tientsin to continue his work. Liddell was sent by the Japanese to an Internment Camp where 1800 other internees were confined. He was not dissuaded by his circumstances. He worked tirelessly in the camp, doing just about anything that needed to be done, whether it was bible study, teaching children who were trying to keep up their studies, or organising sports. In a prisoner exchange bargain, his freedom was arranged by Winston Churchill, but he gave it up and let a pregnant woman leave instead.

In 1944, Liddell was not well. The doctors did not have the resources to diagnose the real nature of the problem. On February 21, 1945, he began coughing uncontrollably. According to a fellow missionary, Liddell's last words were, "It's complete surrender", in reference to how he had given his life to his God. This man was truly committed to the cause of Christ. He had the opportunity to leave China but he chose to stay.He poured his life into the work of reaching the lost in China. He worked for a prize far greater than gold, even Olympic gold.
Here are some of his most famous quotes:

“In the dust of defeat as well as the laurels of victory there is a glory to be found if one has done his best.”

"God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure. ”

“We are all missionaries. Wherever we go we either bring people nearer to Christ or we repel them from Christ.”

What an inspiration!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Run and not be weary...

A couple of years ago, I decided to start running again. I have to say i quite enjoyed it. So much so in fact that I signed up for a 10k race and then a further 5 mile road race. So this year, I felt like I should take on a bigger challenge. So it was decided a half marathon is the next step on this journey. But, where to do it? Checking online made me notice that most were on a Sunday, which didn't really suit my lifestyle. Now I can't claim to be Eric Liddell by any stretch of the imagination either physically or spiritually, but I did want to try to keep it away from a Sunday. So, I found out about the Stranraer half marathon, on a Saturday too. Even then, though, I wasn't sure if I would be able to get round the course and so it would seem I delayed entering for a bit longer. But then, in a flash of inspiration ( or madness - not sure which) I not only signed up to do the marathon, but I also signed up to raise money for my brothers homeless charity in Dundee: www.eagleswingstrust.org.uk So now there's no going back - some people have been so generous and I hope I don't let them down - particulary given that I have never ran this distance before. But then I take more inspiration from Eric Liddell (cue chariots of fire music!)who was unwilling to compete on a Sunday in his 200 metres race, so he entered the 400m and won Olympic gold. When asked how he managed to do it he said " I ran the first 200m with all my might and then, with the help of God, I ran the second 200m even faster" Guess that is like life isn't it? ...and oh how we need the help of God to run the race of life! Says the Bible, "forgetting that which is behind, I press toward the mark of the high calling of God" And so, on 2nd June I'll run the first half as best I can and the second half, with the help of God, even better. In second thoughts, I think I might just trust God o help me from start to finish. Especially so that the sponsor money can be handed over the Eagles Wings Trust who do a fantastic work. So just in case you're inspired - here's my just giving page link to allow you to sponsor me - thanks! www.justgiving.com/philcordiner

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Friday is here again!

We often hear it don't we? "How are you?" is the question that is asked and the reply comes back, "I'm good - it's almost Friday". It seems that many of us live for the weekend and are constantly looking for the next one.
Why is that?
I think it's because we're just not satisfied with life. We have never really found something in life to dwell upon and be content in. Can we relate to that? If you can, then you're not alone. Many are in this position in the world. I want to suggest that it's because we gave the wrong perspective in life. Our life perspective is too much focused on us and not sufficiently focused on God.
If we get a God perspective then we will begin to see things very differently. Of course, one if the first things we'll realise us that we are at a distant from God and need to get close to Him. The Bible explains that we can't do this on our own, because we quite simply are not good enough. God requires perfection from those that desire a relationship with Him and in love sent His son to die on a cross to be punished for our wrong. If we confess our sins to God, He can make us perfect on the basis of what Jesus has done for us.
Do we yearn for this relationship - then turn to God and cry for mercy from Him.

The Bible says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Reading the Instructions

Something I never do is read the instructions. Typical guy you might say! I tend to prefer a learning style that involves getting right into things and learning that way. Guess were all different.

I'm going to try and start this blogging thing, see how it goes and depending on how it goes, may even become a regular blogger.

So I'm not really reading the instructions.

Any hints and tips on blogging let me know...

Yours ....PC