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Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Run and not be weary...

A couple of years ago, I decided to start running again. I have to say i quite enjoyed it. So much so in fact that I signed up for a 10k race and then a further 5 mile road race. So this year, I felt like I should take on a bigger challenge. So it was decided a half marathon is the next step on this journey. But, where to do it? Checking online made me notice that most were on a Sunday, which didn't really suit my lifestyle. Now I can't claim to be Eric Liddell by any stretch of the imagination either physically or spiritually, but I did want to try to keep it away from a Sunday. So, I found out about the Stranraer half marathon, on a Saturday too. Even then, though, I wasn't sure if I would be able to get round the course and so it would seem I delayed entering for a bit longer. But then, in a flash of inspiration ( or madness - not sure which) I not only signed up to do the marathon, but I also signed up to raise money for my brothers homeless charity in Dundee: www.eagleswingstrust.org.uk So now there's no going back - some people have been so generous and I hope I don't let them down - particulary given that I have never ran this distance before. But then I take more inspiration from Eric Liddell (cue chariots of fire music!)who was unwilling to compete on a Sunday in his 200 metres race, so he entered the 400m and won Olympic gold. When asked how he managed to do it he said " I ran the first 200m with all my might and then, with the help of God, I ran the second 200m even faster" Guess that is like life isn't it? ...and oh how we need the help of God to run the race of life! Says the Bible, "forgetting that which is behind, I press toward the mark of the high calling of God" And so, on 2nd June I'll run the first half as best I can and the second half, with the help of God, even better. In second thoughts, I think I might just trust God o help me from start to finish. Especially so that the sponsor money can be handed over the Eagles Wings Trust who do a fantastic work. So just in case you're inspired - here's my just giving page link to allow you to sponsor me - thanks! www.justgiving.com/philcordiner

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